Get ready to enter the mind of an expert in evidence-based policing, Dr. Lawrence Sherman, as he takes us on a journey of discovery in the realm of law enforcement. A New Yorker in the UK. As the Chief Scientific Officer for the Metropolitan Police and a professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge, his experiences are a treasure trove of valuable insights that promise to reshape your understanding of policing. Our discussion recounts his work with the New York City and Minneapolis Police Departments, exploring the implications of his research on corruption, domestic violence, and the use of deadly force.
Larry talks about the potential for efficiency in law enforcement through strategic measures rooted in evidence-based policing. Imagine a world where crime concentration is used intelligently for resource allocation, where precision in policing aids informed decision-making. Dr. Sherman’s experiences with the Metropolitan Police bring this concept to life, amplifying the importance of measuring outcomes in tactics like stop and search.
The discussion takes on the potential for national policy discussing the value of shared research access, the potential of police chief certification in evidence-based policing, and the intriguing concept of a national barred list for dismissed officers.
We discussed the exciting potential for police reform and accreditation, drawing inspiration from the UK's inspector general system. We chat about the potential creation of an American College of Policing, designed to certify and train police chiefs, fostering evidence-based practices.
Larry joins the CopDoc Podcast on January 2nd, 2024.